Antidote for ativan overdose
Antidote for ativan overdose

antidote for ativan overdose

Mixing cocaine with other substances also increases the risk of overdose. Smoking holds the second-highest risk while snorting cocaine into the nasal passages is third. This risk is due to the large amount of cocaine entering the bloodstream quickly, affecting the body\'s systems very rapidly. Injecting cocaine creates the most significant risk of overdose. Also, while a cocaine overdose can occur no matter how the drug is being used, the amount of cocaine it takes to overdose usually depends on its method of use. Factors like the size of the person, their metabolism, and their history of drug use will affect the amount of cocaine needed that causes an overdose. So how much cocaine does it take to cause an overdose? There is no concrete number or amount to answer this question.

Antidote for ativan overdose